Sunday, February 12, 2006

Olympic Knitting

One of the 10 balls of yarn for my Olympic entry - it will be a mohair coat/long cardigan to my design (working on the principle of 'work out the design as you go along'), so far I've knitted up one ball and have reached about 8 inches in length times 52 inches width in feather and fan pattern. I'm knitting it in one piece up to the armholes, and I plan to steek the armholes, because of the long shading in the yarn (from bright red through to dark purply red), and that will be (sort of!) a new technique for me to do proper steeking ...

The yarn itself is Sirdar 'She' - a very 80's yarn indeed, bought for about £6 on eBay some months back - it's 55% Acrylic/45% Mohair, and I'm estimating a yardage of approx 150 yards to the 50g ball (based on what I've knitted so far, and since it isn't given on the ball band - this should also give you some idea of how old the yarn is!).


At 13 February, 2006 18:51, Blogger Minnieknits said...

That label is so 80's its scary! Isn't it bizarre how colours come and go though,its a really sexy now colour but probably 10 yrs ago would have done nothing to you !
I'm curious to know if you feel your love for knitting is linked to your attraction to mathematical subjects? I think it would make for interesting research as to how many knitters enjoy numbers too - just a thought!


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