Monday, May 08, 2006

The good thing about gardening leave ...

... the freedom to do things you need to do, when you feel like doing them.

We ran out of printer paper yesterday, so a quick trip to Tonbridge this morning to replenish supplies (might as well make the most of the remaining 10 days or so of my train season ticket), and while I was there, did a number of other bits & pieces that I could probably have done at the weekend (but didn't), including checking out all the local charity (thrift) shops. A useful haul included a copy of the Vogue Knitting book for £2.50 (bargain!) and some replacement net curtains for £1, which I needed for our garage window (to prevent people being able to see what we've got stashed in there) - the current one is completely beyond repair, and I noticed a new tear in it yesterday.

During the hunt for net curtains, a lady in one shop suggested Beale's which is a small department store next to Sainsbury's, mainly specialises in ladies clothes and accessories (for weddings and the like!), kitchen stuff , and small soft furninshing things, but to my surprise they've just opened a small wool and crafts department (currently stocking Rowan, RYC and Patons), also knitting needles (aluminium & bamboo) and crochet hooks (all by Prym, which I think is the same as Inox?), DMC embroidery threads and Zweigart fabrics, sewing thread and other bits and pieces (stamps, ink, scrapbook-y stuff). As I am virtuously sticking to the yarn diet, I didn't buy anything today, but thought other Kent knitters would like to know. Additionally, the little art shop at Quarry Hill Parade in Tonbridge (Cross's, I think it's called) is stocking Sirdar. What on earth is going on, can't be that this knitting thing is catching on, surely? :)

Am working on Tubey from Knitty though I plan to make some slight changes to it, as I don't really like bell sleeves flapping round my wrists. My sister kindly obtained the requisite amount of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran in black, and I have a packet of yarn samples (about 3 yards of 15 different fancy yarns) from Texere in purple shades, which I plan to knit in with the main yarn at intervals on the main body, rather than doing either a plain or striped version. Cast on for the sleeves last night, yarn feels very nice to use, though I have a horrible suspicion that it pills like hell ...

Thank you to everyone who left kind messages over the last few days, I'm very touched that you did. Currently feeling OK, though not sleeping especially well, still generally feeling optimistic, and I hope that's a good sign.


At 08 May, 2006 15:03, Blogger Daisy said...

Enjoy Tubey - I loved knitting it. I thought the 3x1 ribbing for the body might be tortuous, but it was fine. My cashmerino aran isn't pilling (yet!) although I've heard it can happen quite easily...

At 09 May, 2006 00:16, Blogger KnitYoga said...

Your version of Tubey sounds really interesting. Glad you're feeling optimistic. If you fancy using some of your gardening leave to meet for lunch one day, just shout and we could meet up in Maidstone.

At 16 May, 2006 23:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are enjoying Tubey. My Cashmerino Aran pills all over the place but I love the finished sweater so much I am willing to ignore it. Look forward to seeing how yours turns out.


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